St. Peter's Fair Week in Holsworthy is 1st to 9th July this year.
On Wednesday 5th July, you can do all of this:
8am -PROCLAMATION of the opening of the Fair by the Town Crier on the site of the Old Great Tree of Holsworthy. Followed by the Bread Weighing Ceremony.
The Portreeve will present certificates plus inviations to the Children's Breakfast - to children of Primary School Age who have attended the Proclamation (Venue to be announced on the day)
CLIC SERGEANT BREAKFAST - in the memorial Hall from 8am
"Great Britain" Themed PANNIER MARKET in the square, Market, Food & Craft Stalls from 9am.
"Great Britain" Fancy
Competition on the stage from 11.15am (all ages, prizes to be won)
10am-8pm "Then & Now" An exhibition of Memorabilia & Photographs, at Bodmin Street, Chapel with Coffee & refreshments between 10am & 5.30pm
St Peter's Fair Sale of Fat stock & Dairy Cattle at the Cattle Market from 10.30am- Presentation to the owner of the best calf on show by the outgoing Pretty Maid.
Street Entertainment with Jazz from the Stannery Jazz Men on the White Hart Balcony. Time to TBC
12pm -THE PRETTY MAID CEREMONY - outside the chuch - Funfair will be opened by the New Pretty Maid
12.30pm -7pm. ART & CRAFT EXHIBITION - including work of students of Holsworthy Community College & Local Artists , at the Church, (on Wednesday to Saturday)
ST PETER's FAIR LUNCHEON in the memorial Hall at 1.15pm - Tickets £12.50 available from The White Hart
PRETTY MAID'S TEA in the Church at 6pm
in the square from 7.30pm
Live Music from " Chic Boutique" followed by "Bill Ding & the Skyscrapers"
Charity BBQ by Holsworthy Rotary
Dont forget Fair draw tickets are on sale and any spare cash on your way home would be gratefully received by the bucket collections in aid of next years Fair Entertainment and Holsworthy's Explorers. club evening dresses
WOW.... Hopefully something for MOST people there.
See all the details on their FB page.......…/
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