You become the seed of whatever your pastor is.
His spirit, attitude, mind-set, beliefs: will be what you become.
Even if you go to another pastor for whatever reason, you will bring your seed with you. If your pastor was a tare masquerading as a Oneness Pentecostal or Apostolic, that is what you are.
Any church you attend you will bring your seed. If you come among a wheat church you will fit in but never be a wheat. You will always be a tare and usually a trouble maker. You will try to weave your tare roots around the roots of wheat. So that if you are pulled up you can destroy the wheat you have your life mixed up with. You are really the seed of the devil hiding in the church.
If your pastor in the wheat church has discernment he will know what you are. He will never give you a position or allow you in the pulpit. And should you become a preacher and drift from church to church, you will always be the seed of a tare.
How can you change? Is it possible? There is only one possible solution.
You must die.
Yes, as a tare you must die. Your roots must die. All of what you believed was being a wheat but you never measured up, must die. Your spirit of division, your spirit of contention, your spirit of fault-finding, your spirit of jealousy and hated must die.
This principle applies to all sinners. You see, a tare is nothing but a sinner or evil person the devil has tried to plant in the Church. Those members who are worldly, who love sin, who fake speaking in tongues, dancing, running, shouting: they are tares. The only way to change the fake person or you is to die.
Go to the altar and repent. Cry your way into the favor of God. Humble yourself and be willing to submit to a true man of God, you will seek to be rebaptized. Yes, I know some of you will cringe, you will believe baptisms by tare preachers and pastors are okay. Sorry, but I reject that liberal lie.
Listen to me: go and be rebaptized by a wheat Pastor. Not by an assistant pastor, a sunday school teacher, a wanna-be preacher, or someone who has never been properly ordained.
In your rebaptism die. DIe out to all that foolishness that you did as a tare. Become a new creation in Christ and become a wheat. Get involved in the wheat church. Line up. Put on true holiness. Find your place in the body of Christ. Be faithful. Yes, it may take a few years for your fruit to show and this is normal for a new olive tree. Do not become heady and high-minded.
Several years ago the pastor of Carpenter's Home church in Lakeland, Florida (Carl Strader: Assembly of God, Charismatic), said on the radio that he had more Oneness in his church than any oneness church within 500 miles. I was shocked to hear this. My church only had 30-40 members at the time. So I did an investigation. I found out he told the truth. He had over 500 members who were Oneness in Godhead belief, and baptism in Jesus name. What allowed them to join a liberal Pentecostal trinity charismatic church? sleeved evening dresses
My findings:
They believed God does not care where you worship or have your membership so long as you hold on to Oneness and baptism in Jesus name.
They believed it was ok for women to cut their hair, wear earrings, makeup, slacks (pants), and short skirts and dresses (and shorts). Holiness was in the heart only and never outwardly.
They believed it was ok for a man or boy to have long hair (dreds also), to wear earrings (if they wanted to), run around in a T-shirt or short-sleeve shirt, and shorts.
They believed mixed bathing was ok.
They believed going to professional sports games and wearing sports clothing was ok.
They believed it was ok to go to the movies, have a television and watch anything they wanted to.
They were largely anti-tithing. Believing ikt was under the law and canceled on the Cross. They could give whatever amount they wanted (a couple dollars). All they could cheerfully give.
They believed celebration of pagan holidays was ok.
They believed it was ok to be part of the Catholic church system of her daughters (Protestantism). That it was so unloving, so judgmental, and so unchristian to say people were going to hell if they were baptized in the trinity (Matthew 28:19) and had not received the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. They believed "receiving Christ with a sinner's prayer" was the plan of salvation. But should, not need to: be baptized in Jesus' name.
They believed the name of Jesus was not the only name of God. That Jehovah was greater than Jesus name. That Jesus was just an English name and God would accept all names for Jesus because salvation was not in one name but in an entity. This entity could have thousands of names not even connected to the name of Jesus.
There were more findings. But these were more than enough to convince me they were all tares and had never been a wheat
When I enquired by name to some of the area pastors at that time: they told me that the ones they knew who were now under Carl Strader were always trouble makers. Always drifting from church to church. And never would line up. The preachers were all mixed up in all kinds of false doctrines. Eventually they got angry over something preached and packed up and left.
Their seed was manifested.
It is now openly seen there are tares among the wheat. Some even here on the internet and on Facebook who will not stand for true righteousness. Who will not take a stand against tare religion. And will fight against the wheat.
It is possible that whole organizations, whole denominations, are tare. And the wheat that is within them may be destroyed because of the power of these people over churches and souls.
Yes, in some cases the pastor cannot pull up the tares. I do not recommend it. But being the small-time gardener that I am: I do have a solution. You can dig up (not pluck up) tares and transplant them away from the wheat. You can move tares away from wheat families. Jesus-God will show you how to do it if you want to know.
If you were baptized by a tare preacher, your baptism is no good. Be rebaptized right away. Get out of all tare churches and organizations.
If you are a tare do not carry the seed of the tare among the wheat. Soon the Gardener will come and the tares will not be saved.
Tares and fire go together.
Bishop Reckart
A man God made