many books on exercise come from the same old mold and offer little new information. This book has broken that mold and presents
answers to questions that only these researchers dared to ask." - Gary Heavin, Founder & CEO of Curves International (www.curves.com). "This is the most comprehensive, well-written, and practical exercise and sport nutrition book
I have seen in years! - Susan M. Kleiner, PhD, RD, FACN, CNS, FISSN-
Author - Power Eating and The Good Mood Diet
"Edited and authored by four authorities with extensive research and publishing experience in nutritional
strategies as applied to exercise and sport, this book provides an evidence-based comprehensive review of the specific
roles that macronutrients, micronutrients, fluids, and dietary supplements may play in the enhancement of performance. It
is de rigueur reading for anyone interested in the interrelationships among nutrition, exercise, and sport." -
Melvin H. Williams, PhD, FACSM - Norfolk, VA- Eminent Scholar Emeritus, Old Dominion Univeristy - Former Editor-In-Chief
of the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism "Exercise & Sport Nutrition: Principles, Promises, Science & Recommendations
is a superb text from several of the leading research advocates in sports science and nutrition. It is a must-have for anyone
who wants to keep pace with the rapidly expanding body of research in this dynamic field!" - Jose Antonio,
PhD, FACSM, FNSCA - CEO of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (http://www.theissn.org/; http://www.joseantoniophd.com/). "The authors have done a masterful job providing an outstanding resource for the people
who want to learn more about the science of training and performance. This book is not only an essential reference for coaches,
trainers, physiologists, and sports nutrition professionals but also for people wanting to apply the latest exercise
and nutrition information in order to improve fitness, lose weight, and/or optimize performance." -
Jeff Stout, PhD, FACSM, FNSCA, Assistant Professor of Exercise Science, University of Oklahoma - President, International
Society of Sport Nutrition. "This
book contains actual scientifically sound advice that is applicable in the here and now - thus athletes, coaches, sports nutritionists
and others will benefit from having this book as one of their resources for performance enhancement and improved exercise
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PhD, RD, CCRC, FACN, Director, Nutrition & Applied Clinical Research, Miami Research Associates, Adjunct Professor of
Nutrition in the Robert Stempel School of Public Health at Florida International University. "....the new
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L. Almada, MSc (Cofounder of EAS; CEO of GENR8 makers of Vitargo S2) www.MUSCLEANDFITNESS.com "At 560 pages, the
authors left nothing to chance, providing the latest information on training and diet for both body composition and athletic
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any M&F reader." David Barr
- Muscle & Fitness - August 2009.

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